Nikolaos G. Giannopoulos MD PhD
Private Cardiology
Specializations / special skills:
*Exercise Treadmill Test (PhD - National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - NKUA).
*Inherited Cardiovascular Diseases (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - NKUA).
*Impedance Cardiography.
*Cardiac Arrest, Hypothermia, and Resuscitation Science (University of Pennsylvania) (Statement of Accomplishment)
*Exercise Physiology: Understanding the Athlete Within (University of Melbourne) (Statement of Accomplishment)
*Diabetes: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Opportunities (University of California, San Francisco) (Verified Certificate)
*Completed CME Activities Medscape
*The Power of Macroeconomics: Economic Principles in the Real World (University of California, Irvine) (Verified Certificate)
*The Power of Microeconomics: Economic Principles in the Real World (University of California, Irvine) (Verified Certificate)
*Cardiology at Private Cardiology (since 1999)
7.200 people so far
April 1999 - today
Clinical Primary Cardiology.
Laboratory of Cardiovascular Ultrasound.
Noninvasive electrophysiological laboratory.
Antihypertensive laboratory.
Laboratory control of sleep apnea.
Non-invasive hemodynamic laboratory. Impedance Cardiography.
*Consultant, Cardiology department & Exercise test laboratory at "Iasis" Medical Center -
Athens Medical Group
October 1999 - January 2003 (3 years 4 months)
*IMO ISM Code Internal Auditor at "CAPELCO" Maritime Company
February 1994 - January 1999 (5 years)
*Cardiology at Athens Polyclinic Hospital
September 1994 - August 1997 (3 years)
Trainee in Cardiology
*Internal Medicine at Psychiatric Hospital of Attica
May 1993 - April 1994 (1 year)
Trainee in Internal Medicine
*Physician at Gastouni Health Center
November 1991 - April 1993 (1 year 6 months)
Compulsory rural medical service
*Physisian at First Pulmonary Clinic of Athens 414 Military Hospital for Pulmonary Diseases
April 1991 - September 1991 (6 months)
Exercise in Pneumology
Department of Inherited Cardiovascular Diseases ''Pheidippides Progject"the Cardiology Clinic of Athens University
Specialization in Inherited Cardiovascular Diseases, 1999 - 2001
Norwegian Shipping Academy - Oslo Norway.
Certificate in Shipping Studies, Shipping, 1996 - 1997
PhD, Medicine, 1994 - 1997
PhD Thesis: The valuation of the ST segment changes during the recovery period of the exercise test, using new electrocardiographic indexes.
Activities and Societies: Research Associate
ergo SBA The Piraeus Institute of Shipping
Certificate (ISO 9000 & IMO'S ISM Code), 1997
Università di Catania / University of Catania
Degree, Medicine, 1983 - 1989
Computer Training Institute "CORELCO", Athens Greece
Diploma in Computer Programmer, 1981 - 1982
Born 12/Oct/1963
Nikolaos G. Giannopoulos MD PhD
Private Cardiology
Specializations / special skills:
*Exercise Treadmill Test (PhD - National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - NKUA).
*Inherited Cardiovascular Diseases (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - NKUA).
*Impedance Cardiography.
*Cardiac Arrest, Hypothermia, and Resuscitation Science (University of Pennsylvania) (Statement of Accomplishment)
*Exercise Physiology: Understanding the Athlete Within (University of Melbourne) (Statement of Accomplishment)
*Diabetes: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Opportunities (University of California, San Francisco) (Verified Certificate)
*Completed CME Activities Medscape
*The Power of Macroeconomics: Economic Principles in the Real World (University of California, Irvine) (Verified Certificate)
*The Power of Microeconomics: Economic Principles in the Real World (University of California, Irvine) (Verified Certificate)
7.200 people so far
April 1999 - today
Clinical Primary Cardiology.
Laboratory of Cardiovascular Ultrasound.
Noninvasive electrophysiological laboratory.
Antihypertensive laboratory.
Laboratory control of sleep apnea.
Non-invasive hemodynamic laboratory. Impedance Cardiography.
*Consultant, Cardiology department & Exercise test laboratory at "Iasis" Medical Center -
Athens Medical Group
October 1999 - January 2003 (3 years 4 months)
*IMO ISM Code Internal Auditor at "CAPELCO" Maritime Company
February 1994 - January 1999 (5 years)
*Cardiology at Athens Polyclinic Hospital
September 1994 - August 1997 (3 years)
Trainee in Cardiology
*Internal Medicine at Psychiatric Hospital of Attica
May 1993 - April 1994 (1 year)
Trainee in Internal Medicine
*Physician at Gastouni Health Center
November 1991 - April 1993 (1 year 6 months)
Compulsory rural medical service
*Physisian at First Pulmonary Clinic of Athens 414 Military Hospital for Pulmonary Diseases
April 1991 - September 1991 (6 months)
Exercise in Pneumology
Specialization in Inherited Cardiovascular Diseases, 1999 - 2001
Certificate in Shipping Studies, Shipping, 1996 - 1997
PhD Thesis: The valuation of the ST segment changes during the recovery period of the exercise test, using new electrocardiographic indexes.
Activities and Societies: Research Associate
ergo SBA The Piraeus Institute of Shipping
Certificate (ISO 9000 & IMO'S ISM Code), 1997
Degree, Medicine, 1983 - 1989
Diploma in Computer Programmer, 1981 - 1982
Born 12/Oct/1963