B-12 "Normal Ranges" Can Vary Widely
B12 deficiency: a silent epidemic with serious consequences
Some B12 lab ranges around the world vary:
USA 132 - 674 pmol/L
UK 138 - 780 pmol/L
Australia 100 - 700 pmol/L
Canada 148 - 738 pmol/L
France 133 - 675 pmol/L
Netherlands 150 - 700 pmol/L
NZ 93 - 730 pmol/L
Japan 500 - 1300 pmol/L
Its important to realize that if you fall into a borderline category, your result may very well be a definite diagnosis in another country. Too high is not a concern - but too low , or borderline low - is.
The low end of the normal Japanese range is 2 1/2 times higher than the
American low end of normal. Many theorize that this may be why they have such a low incidence of Alzheimers inJapan .
A healthy range for an adult is 800 - 1000. Babies and children have a
B12 number of 2000 which reduces with age. Adults should strive to
maintain a healthy B12 number near 1000 by healthy eating and /or oral
If you suffer from an Autoimmune disease that attacks the stomach lining
cells, you are unable to produce Intrinsic Factor, which acts like a
catalyst or enzyme to make B12 absorbable in the intestines. As a result
a deficiency will occur over a period of years and eventually cause
serious damage to your health.
Treatment for people lacking Intrinsic Factor ( IF) is by B12 injections for life and / or B12 sublingual lozenges. A B12 patch is being developed.
B12 deficiency: a silent epidemic with serious consequences
Ψάξε στο Internet για ΄΄ b12 normal range ‘’
Vitamin B12 deficiency Wikipedia
B12 deficiency: a silent epidemic with serious consequences
Some B12 lab ranges around the world vary:
USA 132 - 674 pmol/L
UK 138 - 780 pmol/L
Australia 100 - 700 pmol/L
Canada 148 - 738 pmol/L
France 133 - 675 pmol/L
Netherlands 150 - 700 pmol/L
NZ 93 - 730 pmol/L
Japan 500 - 1300 pmol/L
Its important to realize that if you fall into a borderline category, your result may very well be a definite diagnosis in another country. Too high is not a concern - but too low , or borderline low - is.
The low end of the normal Japanese range is 2 1/2 times higher than the
American low end of normal. Many theorize that this may be why they have such a low incidence of Alzheimers in
A healthy range for an adult is 800 - 1000. Babies and children have a
B12 number of 2000 which reduces with age. Adults should strive to
maintain a healthy B12 number near 1000 by healthy eating and /or oral
If you suffer from an Autoimmune disease that attacks the stomach lining
cells, you are unable to produce Intrinsic Factor, which acts like a
catalyst or enzyme to make B12 absorbable in the intestines. As a result
a deficiency will occur over a period of years and eventually cause
serious damage to your health.
Treatment for people lacking Intrinsic Factor ( IF) is by B12 injections for life and / or B12 sublingual lozenges. A B12 patch is being developed.
Ψάξε στο Internet για ΄΄ b12 normal range ‘’
Vitamin B12 deficiency Wikipedia
B12 deficiency: a silent epidemic with serious consequences